umutburakunal - tense revision
  UMUT BURAK UNAL-anasayfa
  ANGLIA sınavına hazırlık
  => if quiz type 1-2
  => USED TO
  => comparatives-superlatives
  => was-were YENİ
  => past simple
  => condıtıonals
  => tag questıons
  => simple past-continuous
  => tense revision
  => enough-too
  => reflexives
  => simplepast
  => underline
  => present perfect
  => adjectives-adverbs
  => relative clauses
  => relative clauses1
  2015-2016 çalışma takvimi
  2. dönemPROJE ve performans görevleriKONULARI
SUBJECT : Tense Review (Present Simple / Present Continuous / Simple Past)
 A) Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or
1.      Please be quiet. I ………………………………… (try) to read the paper.
2.      This is a very quiet town. Where ……………………………………. (people / go) in the evenings?
3.      John ……………………………. (drink) milk every night, but now he …………………...
(drink) tea.
4.      What ………………………………………. (you / do) with all that paper and glue?
5.      I …………………………………….. (not / use) the computer at the moment so you can use it.
6.      ………………………………………………………. (Karen and John / ever / write) to you?
 B)PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE in context. Put in the right form of   the verb in brackets:
   Laura      : Hello, George! What ……………………………………… (you / do) these days?
     George    : Hi, Laura. I ……………………………….. (learn) French and Spanish at college.
                      What about you?
     Laura      : Me? Oh, I ……………………………… (work) at a Travel Agency until August.
     George    : ………………………………………. (you / like) it?
     Laura      : Yes, I do. I …………………………… (work) in the shop most mornings, and
                      three afternoons a week the manager ………………….. (tell) me about the travel
                      business. I …………………… (work) quite long hours. I ……………………….
                      (not / get) home until six, but I ………………………. (prefer) that to not having
                      enough to do.
     George    : Yes, I …………………………… (work) hard too at the moment.It ………………
                       (become) more and more difficult to get a job using languages. They …………….
                       (ask) for higher and higher exam grades all the time.
      Laura      : You can do it, George. You ……………… (be) clever.
     George    : Thanks. Laura.
C) Put the verbs in brackets intoPRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE:
     It …. is ….. winter and the snow ………………………….. (fall). It usually …………………
(snow) in January here. Betty and James …………………………………… (play) in the garden.
They …………………………………… (build) a snowman and they ……………………………
(throw) snowballs. They …………………………… (like) the snow very much! Their mother and father ………………………………… (not / like) it. They always ………………………….. (stay) in the house when it is cold. Mother usually ………………………….. (watch) TV and Father …………………………… (listen) to the radio or ………………………… (read) a book. At the moment they ……………………………….. (sit) in the living-room. Mother ……………
……………………. (write) a letter and Father …………………………………… (read) a book.
D) Complete the dialogue using the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
     A:  Why … don’t you finish …. (you / not / finish) your homework and come and watch TV?
     B:  Because I ………………………………………… (not / understand) it. It is too difficult.
     A:  Why …………………………………………... (you / not / ask) your teacher to explain it?
     B:  Because I ………………………………………. (not / like) him.
     A:  And why ………………………………………………. (you / not / like) him?
     B:  Well, he ……………………………………………….. (always / shout) at me.
     A:  Why ………………………………………………. (he / shout) at you?
     B:  Well, I ………………………………………….. (not / work) in class and I ……………...
           …………………………………. (not / do) my homework.
     A:  Well, no wonder he …………………………………… (shout) at you. Give me your book
           now. We’ll try and do it together.
E) Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences:
1.      I …. always….. keep ……………. my room tidy. (always)
2.      Do you ……………………. go ………………….. on holiday in winter? (sometimes)
3.      ………………………. he ………………………… helps with the housework. (never)
4.      She ……………………. plays ………………………….. cards. (rarely)
5.      Does she ……………………….. visit ………………………. his friends? (often)
6.      They ………………………… don’t …………………………… eat sweets. (often)
7.      We …………………………. eat …………………………… a lot of vegetables. (usually)
8.      You ……………………… must …………………………. tell lies. (never)
9.      She …………………… can …………………… answer the teacher’s questions. (always)
F) Put the verbs in brackets into PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
     Caller:  Good morning. …Is…… (be) Mr. Green there?
     Man  :  No, he …………………………. (not / be) here. He …………………………. (work)
                  at the moment. He usually …………………………… (work) until 4 p.m.
     Caller:  What about Mrs. Green? Where ………………………… (be) she?
     Man  :  She ……………………………………. (do) the shopping. She always ………………
                  (do) the shopping on Thursday afternoons.
     Caller:  Where ……………………………… (be) the children?
     Man  :  They ………………………………….. (play) football.They always …………………
                  (play) football after school.
     Caller:  How ……………………………………………. (you / know) all this? Who are you?
     Man  :  I ………………………….. (be) the burglar!
G) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
1.      He often ……….. brings …………. (bring) me flowers.
2.      …………………………………………. (you / meet) Paul yesterday?
3.      Father ………………………………………. (work) in the garden now.
4.      What …………………………………………. (you / do) at the moment?
5.      Mr. Jones ……………………………….. (paint) his house last month.
6.      She ……………………………. (go) to school on foot every day.
7.      It ……………………….. (be) hot yesterday.
8.      The baby ………………………………………… (not / sleep) now.
9.      He never ………………………………. (drive) fast.
10.  She ……………………………. (leave) Paris in 1987.
11.  She always ……………………………….. (go) to church on Sunday.
12.  I ……………………………… (buy) a new bicycle last week.
13.  My family ……………………………….. (go) to the theatre yesterday.
14.  Tom ……………………………… (live) in London three years ago.
15.  My mother …………………………………… (make) some coffee now.
16.  Sam …………………………… (go) to the circus yesterday.
17.  I …………………………………. (talk) on the telephone at the moment.
18.  Sally always ……………………………… (help) her mother in the house.
19.  I …………………………… (have) dinner in a restaurant last Friday.
20.  Listen! The birds ………………………………………. (sing) in the garden.
21.  I often …………………………….. (buy) fruit from the greengrocer’s.
22.  My mother …………………………………… (drink) tea now.
23.  Look at Tom and Jim! They ……………………………………… (walk) up the hill.
24.  That man ……………………………………….. (laugh) at the moment.
25.  The cat ………………………………….. (play) with a ball now.
26.  We always ……………………………… (wear) warm clothes in winter.
27.  He often …………………………….. (eat) a sandwich at lunchtime.
H) Fill in the postcard with the correct form of the verbs.:


   Dear Joe,
 Hello from Hawaii. ….We’re having …(have) a great time.
 The sun ……………………. (shine) and we ………………
 (enjoy) every minute of our vacation. Jack ………………...
 (sit) on the beach. He ………………………….. (watch) the
 children. The water ………….. (be) warm, but I’m lazy. So
 I …………………… (sit) on the sand and ………………...
 (write) this postcard to you. We ……………n. Oh, and Jack ………………………….. (learn) to
 surf. Are you surprised? I am.
 Wish you were here.
                                Love, Jane, Jack, Billy and Sue



I) Write sentences using the verbs at the right:
     Where is everybody?
1.      Harry and Jennifer are outside.                       
……………………………………………………                   * do homework
2.      The dog’s outside too.                                                             
……………………………………………………                   * make  dinner
3.      Larry’s in the dining room.
……………………………………………………                   * talk to a friend
4.      Sally’s in the bathroom.
……………………………………………………                   * set the table
5.      Dad’s in the kitchen.
……………………………………………………                   * take a shower
6.      Mom’s on the phone.
……………………………………………………                   * run after the ball
7.      I’m at my desk.
……………………………………………………                   * play baseball
J) Fill in the blanks to complete the movie review. Use the correct tense of the verbs given:
                                                                E.T. by JOE BERNES
    Last night, I saw a good movie. The title of the movie was E.T. It was an excellent film. To my surprise. I ….. laughed ….. (laugh), I ……………………… (cry), and I …………………..
(worry) about the little creature from space, and I completely …………………………. (enjoy)
the show.
    The story is about an extraterrestrial person named E.T. He ………………………. (land) on earth in a flying saucer. But his space ship …………………………. (depart) without him. A little American boy ………………………… (discover) E.T. They …………………….. (play)
together and they ………………………….. (like) each other a lot. But E.T. ……………………
(miss) his home. He ……………………….. (want) to go back. He ………………………. (plan)
his return trip, but then …
    Well, go and see this excellent summer film and find out about E.T.
K) Write the questions. Use WHEN, WHERE, WHO or WHAT:
1.      A:  We went to California on our vacation.
B:  Really? …. Where did you stay…………………… (you / stay)?
            A:  In a hotel in Santa Monica.
      2.   A:  The children visited the usual tourist attractions.
            B:  Oh, yeah? …………………………………………….. (they / see)?
            A:  Oh, they went to Disneyland, the San Diego zoo, and a movie studio.
      3.   A:  My wife played a lot of tennis.
            B:  ……………………………………………………….. (she / play) with?
            A:  She played with our oldest son.
      4.   A:  I really enjoyed the trip. We even stayed a few extra days.
            B:  ……………………………………………………….. (you / plan) to come home?
            A:  Well, we planned to come home on Monday, but we didn’t get back until Friday.
L) Fill in the blanks to complete the postcard. Use the PAST TENSE form of the verbs

Dear Mom,

 I’m having a wonderful time. Last night I ..went … (go) to the Hollywood Bowl with some friends. We ………….
(take) a special bus and ………….. (get) there easily. A friend ………… (buy) some wine and we also …………..
(bring) a picnic basket. So we ………… (find) our seats
and …………. (eat) our picnic. Then the concert ………..
(begin). It ……….. (be) excellent. What a night!
                                                               Love, Kris



M) Fill in the blanks to complete the letter:

Dear Betty,

    Thank you for dinner last night. We .. ate …. (eat)
like Kings and ………….. (have) a wonderful time. Charles …………. (put) so much effort into the meal.
It ……….. (be) a wonderful way to end our vacation.
    Your directions were excellent. Unfortunately, Jim
…………… (take) the wrong street and we …………
(get) lost. We finally …………. (find) the right street around 3:00 a.m. But we didn’t go home. Instead we
……………. (go) to the beach and ………….. (see) the sunrise. It was spectacular. We ………….. (get) back to the hotel around 7:00.
     Again, many thanks.
                                       Linda and Jim



N) Complete the sentences. Use the PAST TENSE form of the verbs given:
1.      A:  Tom and I …………………. (go) to see The Big Thrill yesterday.
B:   We …………………… (see) it last weekend. Jackie ………………………… (think)
       it was horrible.
A:   So did we.
     2.   A:   Look, Uncle Tom …………………. (get) me a violin.
           B:   Last year he ……………………….. (buy) me a drum.
           A:   Last Christmas he ……………………….. (bring) me a doll from Japan.
           B:   Yeah, and you …………………….. (break) it the day after.
     3.   A:   I ……………………. (have) my umbrella at home again and it’s really raining hard.
           B:   I have the same problem. I ……………………. (lend) one to my boss last week. I
                  guess she …………………. (keep) it.
     4.   A:   Mom …………………. (have) to pick up Kevin at the train station. She …………….
                  (take) the dog with her.
           B:   No, she didn’t. I just …………………. (see) him. He was swimming in the lake.
O) Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses. Use SIMPLE PRESENT,
1.      I ……………………….. (get) up at eight o’clock yesterday morning.
2.      Mark …………………………….. (talk) to John on the phone last night.
3.      Mark …………………………….. (talk) to John on the phone right now.
4.      Mark …………………………….. (talk) to John on the phone every day.
5.      Jim and I ……………………. (eat) lunch at the cafeteria two hours ago.
6.      We ……………………………. (eat) lunch at the cafeteria every day.
7.      I …………………………. (go) to bed early last night.
8.      My roommate ………………………….. (study) Spanish last year.
9.      Sue ………………………….. (write) a letter to her parents yesterday.
10.  Sue ………………………….. (write) a letter to her parents every week.
11.  Sue is in her room right now. She …………………………. (sit) at her desk. She
…………………………………. (write) a letter to her boyfriend.
12.  Marianne ……………………… (do) her homework last night.
13.  Yesterday I ………………………. (see) Dick at the library.
14.  I ……………………… (have) a dream last night.I ……………………….. (dream)
about my friends. I …………………………. (sleep) for eight hours.
15.  Alice ……………………… (smoke) a cigarette after class yesterday.
16.  My wife ………………………….. (come) home around five every day.
17.  Yesterday she …………………………… (come) home at 5:15.
18.  Our teacher ………………………………… (stand) in the middle of the room right now.
19.  Uor teacher …………………………….. (stand) in the front of the room yesterday.
20.  John usually ………………………. (sit) in the back of the room, but yesterday he
………………………… (sit) in the front row. Today he ………………. (be) absent.
He ………………….. (be) absent two days ago too.
P) Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses. Use SIMPLE PRESENT,
1.      I ………………………………..(go / not) to a movie last night. I …………………. (stay)
2.      Fred ……………………………. (come / not) to class every day.
3.      Sue ……………………………… (read) a book right now. She …………………………..
(watch / not) TV.
4.      I ………………………………… (finish / not) my homework last night. I ……………….
(go) to bed early.
5.      Jane ………………………………. (stand / not) up right now. She ……………………….
(sit) down.
6.      It ………………………………. (rain / not) right now. The rain ……………………(stop)
a few minutes ago.
7.      The weather ………………… (be / not) cold today, but it ……………… (be) cold
8.      Mary and I …………………………. (go / not) shopping yesterday. We ……………. (go)
shopping last Monday.
9.      I ……………….. (go) to a movie last night, but I ………………………… (enjot / not) it.
10.  I ……………………. (write) a letter to my girlfriend yesterday, but I ……………………
……………….. (write / not) a letter to her last week.
11.  My husband ……………………………. (come / not) home for dinner last night. he
……………………………… (stay) at his office.
12.  The children …………………….. (go) to bed a half an hour ago. They ………………….
(sleep) now.
13.  We ………………… (be) late for the movie last night. The movie ……………………….
(start) at 7:00, but we ……………………………………….. (arrive / not) until 7:15.
14.  He …………………………………….. (dance) with Mary now.
15.  She usually …………………………. (take) the bus to school.
16.  Her husband never ………………………………. (remember) her birthday.
We …………………………………….. (watch) a film on televisison at the moment
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