UMUT BURAK UNAL-anasayfa
  ANGLIA sınavına hazırlık
  2015-2016 çalışma takvimi
  => 1-6.sın 1-2 üniteler
  => simple present tense-geniş zaman
  => 2ndquiz
  => 6.sınıf okuma
  => 6.sınıf 1.dönem sbs
  => UNİT1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8KELİMELER
  => 6. sınıf 1.ünite
  => 6. sınıf 1. yazılı için çalışma
  => 6e 2. sınava hazırlık
  => 1. DÖNEM İÇİN 160 SORU
  => sımple present tense için onlıne ders
  => 2. yazılıya hazırlık
  2. dönemPROJE ve performans görevleriKONULARI
1. Albert is a student. ……. is eleven years old.
a) She               b) He                     c) They                  d) It
2. Emma …… from Germany. ……… is German.
a) is / She        b) isn't / He      c) are / She       d) is / It
3.            A: …………. is his job?
B: …… is a teacher.
a) How / It                       b) What / He     
c) Where / He                d) What / It
4.            A: ……………is he?
B: ……. is ten years old.
a) Where / He                               b) What / She
c) How old / He                             d) How / He
5. My friends …….. from Italy.
a) is                    b) am          c) are              d) isn't
6. Ivan ……. Russian; he is from Russia.
a) isn't               b) are                    c) aren't               d) is
7. What is this?
a) It is a book.                b) It is a bag.
c) It is a pencil.              d) It is a car.
8. What is that?  
a) It is a cherry.              b) It is a bag.
c) It is a banana.           d) It is a cat.
9. What are these?
a) They are horses.       b) They are shoes.
c) They are children.    d) They are hats.
10. What are those?
a) They are horses.       b) They are shoes.
c) They are children.    d) They are hats.
11. What is the “plural” of “man”?
a) mans            b) mens        c) men             d) manss
12. What is the “singular” of “knives”?
a) knifes       b) knife        c) knive            d) knee
13. What colour is an apple?
a) black       b) blue        c) red                 d) brown
14. What colour is a kiwi?
a) black       b) blue        c) red                 d) green
15. What time is it?            (06:15)
a) It is half past six.
b) It is quarter past six
c) It is quarter to six.
d) It is six o’clock.
16. What time is it?            (07:30)
a) It is half past seven.
b) It is quarter past seven
c) It is quarter to seven.
d) It is seven o’clock.
17. What time is it?            (15:03)
a) It is three.
b) It is fifteen fifteen.
c) It is three fifteen.
d) It is three three pm.
18. What time is it?            (12:00)
a) It is half pat twelve.
b) It is quarter past twelve.
c) It is twelve o’clock.
d) It is quarter to twelve.
* Aşağıdaki sorularda kelime gruplarını tamamlayacak kelimeyi işaretleyin.
19. red, brown, green, ………
a) yellow      b) car        c) pencil          d) cat
20. first, second, third, ……….
a) four         b) three      c) fourth       d) fourteen

1) Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan en uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz..
Makbule ATADAN is Atatürk’s ……………
A)     mother
B)     aunt
C)      sister
D)     uncle
2) Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan en uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s ………… is Ali Rıza Efendi.
A)     brother
B)     uncle
C)      father
D)     son
3) Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan en uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Zübeyde Hanım is Atatürk’s ……………………
A)     daughter
B)     sister
C)      aunt
D)     mother
4) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     pretty
B)     old
C)      handsome
D)     beautiful
5) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     short
B)     tall
C)      medium height
D)     cute
6) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     overweight
B)     thin
C)      fat
D)     big
7) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     slim
B)     fat
C)      small
D)     thin
8) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     blonde
B)     wavy
C)      curly
D)     slim
9) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     straight
B)     blonde
C)      fair
D)     dark
10) Cümledeki altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
“My father has got long wavy fair hair.”
A)     curly
B)     straight
C)      short
D)    slim
11) Aşağıdaki kelimelerden hangisi diğerlerinden farklıdır?
A)     wavy
B)     straight
C)      fat
D)    curly
12) Uzun boylu,güzel ve uzun dalgalı kahverengi saçları olan Meral’ı tanımlayan cümleyi seçiniz.
A)    Meral is tall and beautiful. She has got long brown hair
B)    Meral is slim and beautiful. She has got long wavy brown hair
C)     Meral is tall and beautiful. She has got long wavy brown hair
D)    Meral is medium height and beautiful. She has got long wavy brown hair
13) Kısa boylu,orta yapılı, uzun koyu kıvırcık saçları olan Ahmet’i tanımlayan seçenek hangisidir?
A)     Ahmet is short and medium weight with long curly dark hair
B)     Ahmet is short and medium height with long curly dark hair
C)      Ahmet is slim and medium height with long curly dark hair
D)     Ahmet is slim and medium weight with long curly dark hair
14) Karışık verilen kelimelerin düzgün sıralanışı hangisi?
A)     brown long hair wavy
B)     hair long wavy brown
C)      long wavy brown hair
D)     wavy long brown hair
15) Aşağıdaki cümlenin kısaltma yapmadan yazılışı hangisidir?
“Emre’s brother’s got a cat. It’s in the room.”
A)     Emre is brother is got a cat. It has in the room.
B)     Emre’s brother has got a cat. It is in the room.
C)      Emre is brother has got a cat. It is in the room.
D)     Emre’s brother is got a cat. It is in the room.
16) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
 A: “What’s your father’s name?
 B: …………………………
A)     She’s Ayşe
B)     Her name is Ayşe
C)      Yes, his name’s Ahmet
D)     His name’s Ahmet
17) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
     A: Is he a driver?
     B: ………………..
A)     No, he is
B)     Yes, he is
C)      He is
D)     He isn’t
18) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
 A: Is your sister short or tall?
 B: ………………..
A)     He is fat
B)     She is fat
C)      He is medium weight
D)     She is medium height
19) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
     A: What colour eyes has your mother got?
     B: ………………..
A)     He has got brown eyes
B)     She has got big eyes
C)      He has got big eyes
D)     She has got brown eyes
20) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
     A: Whose book is that?
     B: ………………..
A)     That is Buse’s book
B)     This book is Buse
C)      Is that Buse’s book
D)     Yes, it is Buse’s book
21) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
A: İnci, what is your father like?
B: ………………..
A)     She is tall with straight brown hair
B)     He is tall with straight brown hair
C)      He likes watching sport programs
D)     Yes, he likes sport progra

22) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
     A: Furkan, what does your father like?
     B: ………………..
A)     She is tall with straight brown hair
B)     He is tall with straight brown hair
C)      He likes watching sport programs
D)     Yes, he likes sport programs
23) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     “I like playing ………… in my free time.”
A)     jogging
B)     shopping
C)      chess
D)     going to concerts
24) Aşağıdaki konuşmada boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
    A: Is your sister fat or slim?
    B: ………………..
A)     He is fat
B)     She is tall
C)      He is medium weight
D)     She is medium height
25) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
“I like doing ………… in my free time.”
A)     jogging
B)     yoga
C)      chess
D)     going to concerts
26) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     Osman is a veterinary. He likes ……….. .
A)     students
B)     animals
C)      children
D)     football
27) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     Murat is a teacher. He likes ……….. .
A)     students
B)     animals
C)      children
D)     football
28) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     Murat is a teacher. He likes ……….. .
A)     students
B)     animals
C)      children
D)     football
29) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     Tayfun is a footballer. He likes ……….. .
A)     students
B)     animals
C)      children
D)     football
30) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     Salih is an engineer. He likes ……….. .
A)     computers
B)     animals
C)      children
D)     football
31) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     Tom is an astronomer. He likes observing ……….. .
A)     students
B)     animals
C)      stars
D)     football
32) Aşağıdaki cevap için sorulabilecek en uygun soru hangisidir?
     B: Yes, I do.
A)     Do you like watching TV
B)     What do you like doing
C)      Does he like watching TV
D)     Does she like watching TV
33) Aşağıdaki cevap için sorulabilecek en uygun soru hangisidir?
     B: Yes, he does.
A)     Do you like watching TV
B)     What do you like doing
C)      Does he like watching TV
D)     Does she like watching TV
34) Aşağıdaki cevap için sorulabilecek en uygun soru hangisidir?
     B: Yes, she does.
A)     Do you like watching TV
B)     What do you like doing
C)      Does he like watching TV
D)     Does she like watching TV
35) Aşağıdaki soru için verilebilecek en uygun cevap hangisidir?
   A: “Do they enjoy looking at the stars?”
   B: ………………………….. .
A)     Yes, they does
B)     No, they do
C)      Yes, they do
D)     No, they doesn’t
36) Aşağıdaki soru için verilebilecek en uygun cevap hangisidir?
     A: Is he crazy about drawing?
     B: ………………………….. .
A)     Yes, he does
B)     No, he doesn’t
C)      Yes, she is
D)     No, he isn’t
37) Aşağıdaki fiillerin olumsuzdan olumluya doğru hatasız sıralanışı hangisidir?
A)    don’t like/can’t stand /hate /like/enjoy/love/crazy about
B)   can’t stand/hate/don’t like /like /enjoy/love/crazy about
C)    don’t like/can’t stand /hate/ like/enjoy/love/crazy about
D)    can’t stand/don’t like/ hate/ like/enjoy/love/crazy about
38) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     wrestling
B)     dance
C)      skiing
D)     singing
39) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     hate
B)     like
C)      enjoy
D)     love
40) Farklı olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz
A)     can’t stand
B)     crazy about
C)      don’t like
D)     hate
41) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
       “Are you interested ...... photography?”
A)     at
B)     to
C)      on
D)     in
42) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
      “What are you good .......... playing?”
A)     on
B)     at
C)      in
D)     about
43) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
      “My brother is crazy ......... football.”
A)     on
B)     in
C)      about
D)     at
44) Ahmet için kullanılabilecek en uygun fiil hangisidir?
      “Ahmet ........... basketball.” (++++)
A)     likes
B)     enjoys
C)      is crazy about
D)     loves
45) Hilal için kullanılabilecek en uygun fiil hangisidir?
      “Hilal ........... basketball.” (---)
A)     doesn’t like
B)     can’t stand
C)      hates
D)     is crazy about
46) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
     “Do you ........pop music? (++)
A)     like
B)     enjoy
C)      love
D)     hate
47) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
        “Do you (+++)
A)     like
B)     enjoy
C)      love
D)     hate
48) Elif için kullanılabilecek en uygun fiil hangisidir?
     “Elif ......... classical music.” (--)
A)     hates
B)     can’t stand
C)      doesn’t like
D)     don’t like
     49) Cümledeki boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun kelime hangisi?
         Do you ………… basketball) (+)
A)     love play
B)     like play
C)      love playing
D)     like playing
     50) Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlış?
A)     play the piano
B)     do puzzles
C)      go shopping
D)     play yoga
1) .
a)next to--in--under--on          b)next to--in--under--on
c)next to--under--in--on          d)next to--on--under--in
2.                                          What time is it?
a) It’s quarter to five              b) It’s half past five
c) It’s five o’clock.                 d)It’s quarter past four.
3. September, …………………… , November, ……………………………
a) June / August                                      b) January / March       
c) October / December           d) December/ January
4).A: Where is İstanbul?    B: It’s …………………… of Turkey.
a) south               b) north              c) east               d)west
5) İzmir is in the ……………………… Region.
a)Aegean b)Mediterrenean c)Black Sea   d)The Marmara
6). ………………… is the capital city of …………………….
a) Oslo/ Turkey                      b) Tokyo/ Germany                             c) New York/ Paris                                d) London/ England.
7) 9x4=…………………
a)forty one       b)thirty two      c)twelve         d)thirty six
8) Are there flowers on trees in May?
a) Yes,there is                         b) No,there isn’t.                          c)Yes, there are.                             d) No,there aren’t.
9)There are ……………………… months in a year.
a) ten            b) seven           c) fifty two             d) twelve
10)Aşağıdaki resme göre doğru ifadenin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.                            
a. The man is tall and thin.
b. The man is fat and short.
c.The man is short and thin.
d. The man is tall and fat

I am an animal. I am small. I like cheese. Who am I?




11)Konuşma balonunda verilen bilgilere göre doğru seçeneği seçiniz
a) Mouse    b) giraffe    c) elephant      d) monkey
12). My father’s brother is my ………..
a) grandmother     b)grandfather      c) aunt     d)uncle
13) My best friend’s name is George. He isn’t fat. He   isn’t tall. He is short and thin.
Aşağıda verilen resimlerden hangisi George olabilir?
a) b.  c.  d.
14) How many bottles of milk …. on the table?
a)there is         b)is there          c)there are    d)are there
15) How much milk ……….. in the bottle?
a)is there        b)are there        c)there is      d)there are
16).A: ………….he got a sister?B: Yes, he………
a)Has/has        b)Have/has     c)Has/have     d)Have/have
17) December is the _____________ month of the year
a)First          b)Twelve           c)Eleventh        d)Second
18) Spring is my favourite ____________
a)Year                   b)Month             c)Season            d)Day
19) A: _________________?   B: He is a fireman.
a)What is his job?                     b)What are you?
c)What is my job?                     d)What is our job?
20)Merve:    Are there….... carrots in the fridge ? 
          Onur : Yes, there are …................ .
a)any / any                                             b)some / some                
c)any / some                                          d)some / any
21)Why can't you run?
a)Because I am too clever.   b)Because I am too happy.
c)Because I am too old.              d)Because I am too long.
22)………….books are there on the table?
a)How much    b)How many   c)How    d)What
23). ……………milk is there in the bottle?
a)What           b)Where    c)How many    d)How much
24)There aren’t any ……….. in the fridge.
a)butter        b)milk         c)apples   d)sugar

25) Where are they from?
a) He is from Russia.         b) They are from Egypt.
c) They are from Japan.   d) I am from Italy.
26)- What is her job?
 a)She is a nurse.       b)She is a teacher.    
c) He is a policeman. d)She is a hairdresser.
27)Ahmet isn’t short. He is .............................. .
a) ugly            b) big             c) tall               d) old
28) “ ride a horse?” “ No, I .........”
a) can/can    b) can’t/can   c) can/can’t d) can’t/can’t
29) ............... Cem play basketball?”Yes,he can.”
    a) has         b) is          c) can           d) can’t
30)                      What is his job?
                      a)carpenter    b)singer c) doctor    d) cook
Today is Saturday.It is sunny and warm outside.Brad usually gets up at10:00 a.m. on Saturdays.After his breakfast he goes out and plays with his friends.He sometimes helps his father to wash their car in the afternoons or he goes to a football match with him.In the evenings he watches TV or plays games on his computer.He never does his homeworks or never studies his lessons on Saturdays.He always goes to bed at 10:00 p.m.
31)At what time does Brad usually get up on Saturdays ?
a)At ten o’clock at nights         b)At ten o’clock in the mornings
c)In the afternoons    d)After the breakfast
 32) What does he do after his breakfast?
a)Washes their car                  b)Goes to a match
c)Plays with his dad                              d)Meets his friends                                 
33)His dad sometimes washes their car in the ________
a) afternoons          b) weekend    c)mornings        d)evenings
 34)   In the evenings Brad _____TV or ___on his computer.
 a)watch/play                                   b)watches/plays             
 c)watch/plays                                    d)is watch/ is play
 35)At ten o’clock at night he always ______________
a)watches TV b)gets up   c)has breakfast               d)goes to bed
36).................are summer months.
 a) February/March/April                      b)June/July/August
 c) September/October/November    d) November/December/January
37)What time is it? (07:12)
a) It is twenty past one o'clock     b)It is twelve past one o'clock
c) It is twenty to one o'clock        d)It is twelve to one o'clock
38).…………… pulls out teeth
a)An engineer    b)Dentist     c)Engineers     d)A dentist
39)There are three nurses but ________ any doctors.
a)There aren’t    b)There isn’t    c)There are    d)There is
40)There are ______________ days in a week.
a)Seven              b)Six         c)Eight            d)Twenty
41) December is the _____________ month of the year
a)First             b)Twelve         c)Eleventh          d)Second
42) Spring is my favourite ____________
a)Year          b)Month           c)Season           d)Day
43)A: What's your nationality? B: I am _________.
a)Spain        b)Germany                 c) Turkey          d) French
44). _________ is the tenth month of the year.
a) December     b) September  c) October    d) November 
45) Wednesday is the _________ day of the week.
a)second            b)first        c)fourth          d)third
46)My father never ………….. television.
    a)goes              b)rides           c)watches       d)brushes
47)We mustn’t …………… in the corridors.
a) buy               b)listen         c) run       d) brush
48)Can Ali play basketball?
a)No, he can’t                         c)Yes, it is.
b) No, he isn’t.                       d) Yes, he can.
49)Can a dog fly? No, _________.
a)it isn't        b) it hasn't    c) I can't      d)it can't
50)Selim and Burak _________ like vegetables.
 a) do         b) does           c) doesn’t           d) don't
51)He goes to bed _________ 9:30.
 a) by            b) to                   c) in      d) at 
52)He .............. to restaurant every evening.
   a) goes      b) go      c) going    d) don’t go
53)Ayşe is ill.
a)She must drink cold water b)She must go to the doctor
c)She must run                    d)She must open the window
54)I ……………………sleep early.
a)mustn’t        b)am        c)must         d)doesn’t
55) We have got ______ cheese and ______ bread but     we haven’t got ______ milk left.
a-some / any / any
b-some / any / some
c-any / some / some
d-some / some / any
56) Erdem ________a bike on weekdays.
a) don’t ride                    b) rides
c) doesn’t ride           d) doesn’t rides
57) A: _______ Cem read books at the weekends?
a) -does      b)Do         c)is        d)are
58). What time is it?
    a) It is quarter to ten
    b) It is half past two
    c) It is six o’clock
    d) It is thirty past two
59)What is his job?
a) hairdresser          b) mechanic
c) cook                    d) singer
60). My father’s sister is my _____
a) uncle               b)aunt          c)daughter          d) mother
61)I feel cold. What should I do?
a) I should play compture games.
b) I should wear thick clothes.
c) I should go out.
d) I shouldn’t eat hamburger.
62) Match the Picture with the     
a)        Deniz always has a shower.
b)       Deniz always brushes her teeth.
c)       Deniz usually has a lunch.
d)       Deniz never gets up late.
63).What is her job
     “ I work in an Office.I write lettersand answer telephones”
a)postman         b) secretary   c)teacher          d) pilot
64) ________ any lemon juice in the bottle.______ some tomatoes in the fridge.There is _____water in the jug.
a)        There is / there aren’t/ some
b)       There isn’t / there aren’t / some
c)        There is / there are / any
d)       There isn’t / there are/ some
65)I have an exam tomorrow.What should I do?
a) I shouldn’t ask questions to my teachers.
b) I should study hard.
c) I shouldn’t listen to my teachers.
d) I should play games outside
Choose The Correct Answer
1. A: Is Mr Brown an architect? B: No, _________.
a) he is                       b) she isn't                    c) he isn't                      d)it isn't     
2.A: Is Mrs Burt an actress? B: Yes, _________.
a) she is                      b) she isn't                    c) it is                            d) he is
3. A: What's your nationality? B: I am _________.
a)Spain                      b)Germany                   c) Turkey                     d) French
4. A: Where is she from? B: She is from _________.
a)French                    b)England                     c)Turkish                     d) German
5. What's the time? 8:33
a) It’s twenty-seven to nine                           b) It’s thirty-three past eight  
c) It’s eight to twenty-seven                          d)It’s thirty-three to nine
6.What's the time? 4:15
a)It’s four fifteen.                                         b) It’s quarter to four.  
c) It’s quarter to five.                                     d) It’s quarter past five.      
7.Gizem is my sister. _________'s a secretary.

a)He                           b) She                           c) His                             d) Her
8.Mrs Leach is forty-five years old and _________husband is fifty years old.
a)his                           b) your                          c) my                              d) her
9. We're the Johnsons. James is _________son.
a)our                          b)his                              c)her                             d)he
10. A: Where are the Wilsons from? B: _________are from London.
a) You                        b) They                         c) We                             d) Their
11. _________ is the tenth month of the year.
a) December              b) September               c) October                    d) November 
12. Wednesday is the _________ day of the week.
a)second                    b)first                          c)fourth                       d) third
13. There _________ any cherry juice in the fridge.                      
a) are                          b) isn’t                           c) aren’t                        d) is  
14. There _________ any bananas in the basket.                            
a) aren’t                     b) isn’t                           c) is                                d) are
15. There _________ some eggs in the box.
a) is                             b) aren’t                        c) are                             d) isn’t             
16. There _________ some coke in the fridge.
a) isn’t                        b) are                             c) aren’t                        d) is      
17.There aren’t any _________ at home. Can you buy some?
a) cheese                    b) tea                             c) milk                            d) apples
18.There isn't any _________ in the fridge.
a) eggs                        b) butter                       c) apples                        d) books
19.Bill's brother goes _________ school.
a) by                           b) at                               c) to                               d) in 
20.Jack's sister goes to school _________ the afternoon.
a) in                             b) at                               c) to                               d) by
- B -
...................................SECONDARY SCHOOL
Choose The Correct Answer
1. A: Is Mrs Rose a secretary? B: Yes, _________.    
a) it is                         b) he isn't                     c) he is                           d) she is            
2.A: Is Mr Taylor a teacher? B: No, _________.     
a)she isn't                 b)he isn't                     c) he is                           d)it isn't     
3. A: What's her nationality? B:She is _________.
a)Spanish                  b) Germany                   c) Italy                          d)France
4. A: Where are from? B: I am from _________.
a)French                    b)English                      c)Turkey                      d) German
5. What's the time? 9:56
a) It’s ten to four                                            b) It’s four past nine    
c) It’s fifty-six to nine                                   d)It’s four to ten    
6.What's the time? 7:15
a)It’s quarter to seven.                                  b) It’s seven fifteen.      
c) It’s quarter to eight.                                   d) It’s quarter past eight.   
7. Elif is his sister. _________ is an actress.
a)He                           b)His                             c)She                            d) Her
8. Mrs Taylor is forty-one years old and _________husband is forty-five years old.
a) her                          b)your                           c) his                              d)our
9.We're the Wilsons. Barbara is _________daughter.
a) their                      b)our                             c)her                             d) his
10.There are two girls in the Johnsons family. _________names are Rita and Mary.
a)My                          b) His                             c)Her                            d) Their
11. _________is the seventh day of the week.
a)Saturday               b) Sunday                      c) Monday                     d) Friday
12. November is the _________ month of the year.
a) eighth                    b) sixth                          c)eleventh                    d) twelfth
13.There _________ any cheese in the fridge.                               
a) isn’t                        b) are                             c) aren’t                        d) is  
14. There _________ any eggs in the basket.                                  
a) are                          b) aren’t                        c) is                                d) isn’t
15. There _________ some potatoes in the box.
a) is                             b) aren’t                        c) are                             d) isn’t  
16. There _________ some cheese in the fridge.
a) isn’t                        b) are                             c) aren’t                        d) is
17.There aren’t any _________ at home. Can you buy some?
a) cheese                    b) tea                             c) milk                            d) oranges
18. There isn't any _________ in the fridge.
a) pencils                    b) cheese                       c) apples                        d) books
19.He goes _________ house.
a) to                            b) in                               c) at                               d) by
20.Jack watches TV _________ the evening.
a) at                            b) to                               c) in                                d) by
- C -
...................................SECONDARY SCHOOL
Choose The Correct Answer
1. A: Is Mrs Brown an engineer? B: No, _________.
a) he isn't                   b) she isn't                    c) it isn't                       d) she is
2.A: Is Mr Taylor a doctor? B: Yes, _________.
a) he is                        b) it is                            c) she is                         d)he isn't
3.A:Where is he from? B: He is from _________.
a)French                    b)English                      c)Turkish                     d) Japan
4.A:What's his nationality? B: He is _________.
a)The USA                b)Spain                         c) English                       d)Italy
5. What's the time? 7:39
a) It’s sevento thirty-nine                             b) It’s twenty-one to eight
c) It’s twenty-one past eight                         d)It’s thirty-nine past seven  
6.What's the time? 3:15
a)It’s three fifteen.                                                                              b) It’s quarter to four.          
c) It’s quarter past four.                                d) It’s quarter to three.
7.Tom is her brother. _________ is a student.
a) Her                         b) She                            c)His                             d) He
8.Mr Johnson is forty-four years old and _________wife is forty years old.
a)our                          b)my                              c) his                             d)her
9. We're the Walkers. Sally is _________daughter.
a)our                          b)his                              c)her                             d)your
10. There are two girls in the Johnson family. _________names are Judy and Marion.
a)Her                         b)Your                          c)Their                         d) My
11. September is the _________ month of the year.
a) second                    b)ninth                          c)seventh                     d)fourth
12. Tuesday is the _________ day of the week.
a) fourth                   b)first                          c)second                       d) third
13. There _________ any milk in the fridge.                                    
a) aren’t                     b) are                             c) isn’t                           d) is  
14. There _________ any apples in the basket.
a) isn’t                        b) are                             c) is                                d) aren’t
15. There _________ some students in the classroom.
a) are                          b) aren’t                        c) isn’t                           d) is
16. There _________ some milk in the fridge.
a) are                          b) is                                c) aren’t                        d) isn’t  
17.There aren’t any _________ at home. Can you buy some?        
a) orange juice          b) bananas                    c) tea                             d) butter
18.There isn't any _________ in the house.
a) apples                     b) books                        c) pencils                       d) milk   
19 They go _________ work.
a) at                            b) in                              c) to                               d) by
20.Jack goes to school _________ the morning.
a) in                            b) to                               c) at                               d) by
- D -
...................................SECONDARY SCHOOL
Choose The Correct Answer
1.A: Is Mrs Burt a secretary? B: Yes, _________.     
a) it is                         b) she is                         c) she isn't                    d)he is      
2.A: Is Mr Cook a teacher? B: No, _________.
a) he is                       b)it isn't                       c)she isn't           d) he isn't                  
3. A: What's your nationality? B: I am _________.
a)Spain                      b) The USA                   c) German                      d)England
4. A: Where is she from? B: She is from _________.
a)French                    b)English                      c)Turkish                     d) Germany
5. What's the time? 6:35
a) It’s twenty-five past six                            b) It’s twenty-five to seven      
c) It’s twenty-five to six                                d)It’s thirty -five to six         
6.What's the time? 8:15
a) It’s quarter past nine.                                 b) It’s quarter to nine.                          
c) It’s eight fifteen.                                        d) It’s quarter to eight.
7.Hakan is her brother. _________ is an engineer.
a) He                           b) Her                            c) His                             d) She
8. Mr Wilson is thirty-five years old and _________wife is forty years old.
a) her                          b) his                             c) my                             d) our
9.We're the Taylors. Rachel is _________son.
a)our                          b)her                             c) his                             d)my
10.A: Where are the Taylors from? B: _________are from Cambridge.
a)My                          b) She                           c)They                          d) We
11. Sunday is the _________ day of the week.
a)twelfth                  b)tenth                         c) third                          d)first
12. _________ is the sixth month of the year.
a) June                       b)September               c)August                      d)December
13. There _________ any butter in the fridge.                               
a) are                          b) isn’t                           c) aren’t                        d) is    
14. There _________ any pencils in the bag.
a) isn’t                        b) aren’t                        c) are                             d) is  
15. There _________ some tomatoes in the basket.
a) are                         b) aren’t                        c) is                                d) isn’t  
16. There _________ some water in the fridge.
a) aren’t                     b) are                             c) is                                d) isn’t  
17. There aren’t any _________ at home. Can you buy some?
a) eggs                        b) butter                       c) orange juice             d) cheese
18. There isn't any _________ in the house.
a) oranges                  b) books                        c) eggs                           d) cheese
19. He goes _________ bed at ten.
a) in                             b) at                               c) to                               d) by
20.Tom's father goes to work _________ the morning.
a) by                           b) at                               c) to                               d) in 
- A -
21. She doesn't go to school _________ bus.
a) to                            b) by                              c) at                               d) in 
22.She gets up _________ 7:50.
a) by                           b) in                               c) to                               d) at
23.A: _________ Mark got a pen? B: No, he hasn’t.
a)do                           b) have                           c) has                            d) does
24. A: _________ you got three dogs? B: No, I haven’t.
a) has                         b)have                           c) does                           d) do
25. A: Has Tom got a pencil in the pencil box. B: Yes, he _________.
a) does                        b) have                           c) do                              d) has
26. We are in the library. I mustn’t __________.
a)make noise             b) sit                              c) go to the classroomd)swim
27. It is raining. I must __________.
a) take an umbrella b) go out                        c) eat them                   d) help her
28.Can a horse swim? No, ________
a) it isn't                    b) it hasn't                    c) it can't                      d) I can't
29. Can you swim or fly? ________ can ________ .
a) you/swim               b) I/swim                      c) you/fly                      d) I/fly     
30I can buy two __________ of tea.
a)packets                 b)bottles                      c)kilos                           d)bars  
31I can buy a __________ of bread.
a) kilo                        b)loaf                           c)packet                       d)bottle
32._________ you like music?
a)does                        b) doesn’t                      c) don't                         d) do
33. Mark likes music but Karen _________ like history.                 
a)don't                      b) does                          c) doesn’t                      d) do   
34.I _________ want those trousers.
a) does                        b) don't                         c) doesn’t                      d) do   
35.She __________ the dishes tomorrow.
a) is washing             b) washes                      c) is going to wash        d) wash
36.You __________ an apple now.
a) are going toeat    b)eats                          c) eat                            d) are eating
37. A: Does Jack have a car? B: Yes, he _________.
a) has                          b) have                           c) do                              d)does 
38. Jack often __________ in the sea.
a)is swimming            b)swim                          c) swims                         d) isgoing toswim
39.They__________football every weekend.
a)are going to play b) are playing                c) plays                          d) play 
40.He__________ in the park next morning.
a) is going torun       b) is running                  c) runs                           d)run
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